Stéphanie Le Quellec

Portrait de Stéphanie Le Quellec

Born in 1981, Stéphanie Le Quellec joined hospitality school at the age of 14. After completing her studies, she began her career at the Four Seasons George V before leaving Paris for Provence, where she worked for six to seven years at the Four Seasons Terre Blanche. In 2011, at the age of 28, she […]

Philippe Urraca

It was at the age of 19‭ ‬that Philippe Urraca‭, ‬following in his father’s footsteps‭, ‬opened his very first store‭. ‬Passionate about‭ ‬his job and a proud representative of the French pastry-making tradition‭, ‬each of his creations promises to be a celebration of‭ ‬the expertise of his heritage‭.‬ In 1994‭, ‬he was awarded the title […]

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